Yesterday I was stressing about getting this out at the publication time I set for it, 9:05am every Friday, and then I realized: (1) I never promised or even told a soul that this Newsletter will come out at any time, or on any day, or even that it will be weekly; (2) nobody cares what time of day it comes out; and (3) it’s free.
31 years of being a syndicated cartoonist, which is all about hitting deadlines, has apparently made me obsessive, and I had to snap myself out of it yesterday.
So here it is, just a bit later than usual. 🤷♂️
This week’s comic is “Crowny the Coronavirus, in ‘He Who Hesitates,’” IN WHICH Crowny must face a deadly new variant!
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on GoComics HERE.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on BoingBoing HERE.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on DailyKos HERE.
Here is the first comic featuring Crowny, from last year.
If you don’t subscribe to this Newsletter, you can do so at the button below.
This week’s Classic Tom the Dancing Bug (published on GoComics yesterday) is “NEWS OF THE TIMES: Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., Converts to Ancient Roman Religion” (from 2014).
And this week the GoComics Super-Fun-Pak Comix page has featured comics from this installment (from 2006).
Next week: a picture of Otis, probably.
Thank you to everyone who has purchased the new books (see below)! The pre-orders from me help me figure out how many copies to order off the print run, and so reduce the likelihood of running out after publication. (And so they are at a lower price. #ActNow) And I GREATLY APPRECIATE every sale! I’m really excited about the books and can’t wait to share them with you.
And that’s all there is to it. Guys, Crowny sez, “Get Vaxxed and Stay Safe!”
Until etc. I remain Yours et al.,
This is the free Tom the Dancing Bug Newsletter.
You can join the Inner Hive (a paid subscription) and get much more! Inner Hive members receive weekly emails containing:
👉each week’s brand new comic, at least a day before it’s published anywhere online. For example, Inner Hive members already have received the comic that won’t be published until next Wednesday, 7/28!
👉exclusive commentary, sketches, bonus comics, contests, giveaways, sneak peeks, process pics, juicy gossip, other stuff, etc.
🙏 Please do join the Inner Hive, the community that makes Tom the Dancing Bug possible:
Join at Patreon HERE.
Join at Mailchimp/CampaignZee HERE.
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If you want to avoid third party subscription services and recurring payments, you can even sign up HERE for a one-time pre-paid two-year membership.
Two new Tom the Dancing Bug books are being published in November, and are now available for pre-order! You can reserve your copies today.
TOM THE DANCING BUG AWAKENS, VOLUME 6 IN THE COMPLETE TOM THE DANCING BUG -- 2012-2015. This volume covers the Obama years and the rise of Trump, and it includes the introduction of the feature Chagrin Falls and installments of many other Tom the Dancing Bug favorites, such as God-Man, Lucky Ducky, and Super-Fun-Pak Comix. It also includes other comics Ruben Bolling created during those years: a two-page New Yorker spread, and six daily installments of the comic strip Cul de Sac.
TOM THE DANCING BUG, WITHOUT THE BAD ONES: THE VERY, VERY, VERY* BEST OF TOM THE DANCING BUG, 1991-2021. 31 years in the making, this book collects the top, most popular, most talked-about, most important, most Tom-the-Dancing-Bug comics in Tom the Dancing Bug's history. Imagine the thrill of reading and owning the award-winning and award-losing comic strip Tom the Dancing Bug, distilled into one handsome tome containing only its scientifically determined very, very, VERY* best.
Ordering info here.
The back cover of Into the Trumpverse (2020):
My most active social media presence, by far, is on Twitter.
I am also on (mostly just posting comics): Facebook and Instagram.
My email address is
The Tom the Dancing Bug Newsletter. Copyright 2021 Ruben Bolling.