Greetings, fellow art lovers.
This week’s comic is a Super-Fun-Pak Comix, and if you love art — appreciating it, purchasing it, collecting it — you’re going to love a special crypto-offer from that lovable seafaring scamp, Uncle Cap’n!
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on BoingBoing HERE.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on DailyKos HERE.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on GoComics HERE.
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Yes, the offer to buy the Uncle Cap’n picture as an NFT is real. Information on how to make a bid is right here at
“Collect ‘em all!”™️
Note that (at least) 50% of $ proceeds will go to the Carbon Fund, which I hope will more than offset the environmental impact of this stunt.
I’ve done many Uncle Cap’n comics in Super-Fun-Pak Comix over the years. Here’s the first one, from 1998.
Just for fun, here are a couple more. This one is from 2001.
And this one is from 2008.
You do know that you can buy the complete Super-Fun-Pak Comix collection, right? And the book is on good old physical paper! Which of course has no environment impact!
Speaking of first Tom the Dancing Bug appearances, this week’s Classic Tom the Dancing Bug (published on GoComics yesterday) is the very first God-Man comic (from 1996).
And this week the GoComics Super-Fun-Pak Comix page has featured comics from this installment (from 2004).
Below is a picture of Otis, almost six months old, surveying his domain.
And below that, as always, are the various ways you can bring more Tom the Dancing Bug into your already rich life. Join me!
Your Pal Indeed,
This is the free Tom the Dancing Bug Newsletter.
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Buy the two new Tom the Dancing Bug books HERE.
Tom the Dancing Bug: Into the Trumpverse; and
The Super-Fun-Pak Comix Reader
“Like a warm pet that leaps and rolls over before delivering a satiric bite” -The Washington Post, on Into the Trumpverse
“A great treasury of wild, often brilliant humor and a record of life in America” -The Comics Journal, on The Super-Fun-Pak Comix Reader
The back cover of Into the Trumpverse:
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The Tom the Dancing Bug Newsletter. Copyright 2021 Ruben Bolling.