Good morning, fellow citizens. Sadly, tragically, there are endless opportunities for me to run my seemingly endless inventory of gun control comics. The full “Chagrin Falls: ‘Sacrificial Fire Arms’” comic is below…
This week’s comic is Mitch McConnell and the Bridge to Filibuster Reform.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on BoingBoing HERE.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on DailyKos HERE.
Read this week’s Tom the Dancing Bug on GoComics HERE.
If you don’t subscribe to this Newsletter, you can do so at the button below.
The full story of my two different fights with Facebook and The New York Times, IN WHICH I go to battle against two of the biggest entities in the history of media, and emerge VICTORIOUS IN BOTH CASES, can be found here.
(A slightly grandiose way of framing a dispute 99.99% between The Nib and Facebook, and The Times’s infuriating error and quick correction regarding one of my comics.)
Running out of time to join the Inner Hive and have Tom the Dancing Bug make a donation to Food Bank. At the next Newsletter, the March Inner Hive Drive will have ended.
If you are in a position to, you can get tons of exclusive comics and other exclusive content, and help feed hungry people. Information here.
Here is “Chagrin Falls: ‘Sacrificial Fire Arms,’” from 2015:
This week’s Classic Tom the Dancing Bug (published on GoComics yesterday) is “News of the Times: U.S. Announces Plan to ‘Go Gay’” (from 1996).
And this week the GoComics Super-Fun-Pak Comix page has featured comics from this installment (from 2004).
That’s all there is, and that’s all there should be.
Below is your weekly Otis pic, and below that is certain information. You know what to do.
Yours Indeed,
This is the free Tom the Dancing Bug Newsletter.
You can join the Inner Hive (a paid subscription) and receive weekly emails containing:
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Buy the two new Tom the Dancing Bug books HERE.
Tom the Dancing Bug: Into the Trumpverse; and
The Super-Fun-Pak Comix Reader
“Like a warm pet that leaps and rolls over before delivering a satiric bite” -The Washington Post, on Into the Trumpverse
“A great treasury of wild, often brilliant humor and a record of life in America” -The Comics Journal, on The Super-Fun-Pak Comix Reader
The back cover of Into the Trumpverse:
My most active social media presence, by far, is on Twitter.
I am also on (mostly just posting comics): Facebook,Instagram,MeWe, and Tumblr.
My email address is
The Tom the Dancing Bug Newsletter. Copyright 2021 Ruben Bolling.